Adding, Editing, or Deleting Notes for an Estimate Line

To add a note to a line in the estimate, or to change or to delete an existing note, highlight the estimate line, and access the Notes screen. After you add a note to a line, an "N" appears in the first field of the line, in the N column. These notes will be printed on the estimate reports.

To add an estimate line note

  1. Open the workfile.
  2. Select the Estimate tab, and then the Lines tab.
  3. Highlight a field in the appropriate estimate line.
  4. Right-click the line, and then select Line Notes. The Estimate Line Properties sheet opens and displays the Notes tab.
  5. Enter a free-form note in the Estimate Line Notes field.

    - or -

    Enter a Predefined Note code, and then select the Get Notes button.

    - or -

    Select the Predefined Notes List button to select a note, and then click OK.
  6. After the correct notes appear in the Estimate Line Notes field, click OK.

To edit an estimate line note

  1. Highlight a field in the estimate line that already contains the note. (The line will have an N in the first field.)
  2. Right-click the line, and then select Line Notes. The Estimate Line Properties sheet opens.
  3. Enter the new text.
  4. Click OK.


Estimate Line Properties

Estimate Lines

Screen Description

Estimate Line Properties - Notes Tab Screen

Estimate Line Properties - Predefined Notes Screen

Estimate Lines Screen







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