Adding, Editing, or Deleting Notes for an Estimate Line
To add a note to a line in the estimate, or to change or to delete an existing note, highlight the estimate line, and access the Notes screen. After you add a note to a line, an "N" appears in the first field of the line, in the N column. These notes will be printed on the estimate reports.
To add an estimate line note
- Open the workfile.
- Select the Estimate tab, and then the Lines tab.
- Highlight a field in the appropriate estimate line.
- Right-click the line, and then select Line Notes. The Estimate Line Properties sheet opens and displays the Notes tab.
- Enter a free-form note in the Estimate Line Notes field.
- or -
Enter a Predefined Note code, and then select the Get Notes button.
- or -
Select the Predefined Notes List button to select a note, and then click OK.
- After the correct notes appear in the Estimate Line Notes field, click OK.
To edit an estimate line note
- Highlight a field in the estimate line that already contains the note. (The line will have an N in the first field.)
- Right-click the line, and then select Line Notes. The Estimate Line Properties sheet opens.
- Enter the new text.
- Click OK.
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